Monday, December 14, 2009

New Beginnings

Today marks the beginning of my last week of employment, which is bittersweet for me. I have spent the last eleven and a half years working in a variety of roles for a management psychology practice; although I’ve never officially had a title, perhaps “Jack of all Trades” would be most appropriate. I have developed relationships with some wonderful people within several client companies who I will miss interacting with. I’ll also miss the challenges they have presented.

My decision to leave can be put simply as unhappiness, to the point of having difficulty getting up and out the door each morning and having little patience, and in some cases respect, for the people I work with. This has been building over a number of years and began to affect my mental health and my life in general. So, after many discussions with my ever supportive husband, it was obvious that I needed to either accept that I would likely never be happy at work or make a change. I decided to make a change and follow my dream. It was hard to let go—we get so attached to what is familiar in our lives regardless of whether it is good for us or not; it is often the unknown that scares us.

Beginning next week I embark on a new journey. I will be spending my days in my studio instead of an office. I am equally excited and anxious… well, maybe a bit more excited. This has, after all, been my dream for a long time, and I am lucky to have wonderfully supportive friends and family who encourage and believe in me. I’ll blog about my adventure as I go and will post my website once it’s built.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Your next chapter is starting today. I love how this piece came out... so excited for you!!
